The Centre would look into a request for sharing of Aadhar data with police for the purpose of cracking cases involving first time off...
Monday, January 21, 2019
New Delhi: Government agency UIDAI Wednesday asked schools not to refuse admission to students for lack of Aadhaar and said such deni...
Travelling to Nepal, Bhutan? Now, all you need is Aadhaar card
January 21, 2019
Indian citizens over the age of 65 and under 15 are no longer need to carry too many documents while travelling to neighbouring countr...
Rs. 1 Crore Fine For Failing To Comply With Aadhar Act Norms
January 21, 2019
NEW DELHI: The government has proposed a penalty of up to R s. 1 crore on entities that violate the provisions of the Aadhaar Act...
World Leaders Head to Davos Amid Fears of ‘Sleepwalking’ Into Economic Crisis
January 21, 2019
Davos: The rich and powerful from across the globe will flock to this ski resort town on the Swiss Alps for five days beginning Monday ...
12 states that beat India GDP growth failed to create jobs
January 21, 2019
The economic growth in 12 of the RBI ’s 17 non-special states beat India’s economic growth of 6.7% in fiscal 2018, but it did not ope...
India Inc better prepared vs others for 4th industrial revolution: Deloitte survey
January 21, 2019
Businesses in India are making better progress than others in dealing with challenges of the fourth industrial revolution on key aspec...